
Showing posts from December, 2017

Production Common Ground Documentary

Common Ground  Screen shots  Reflection I thought it was going to be really hard working in a group, as I am so used to working on my own. The fact we was making a documentary made me feel like it was going to be very film Production like. which I am not very used to as I perfer making experimental, screen art installations. So this made me feel out of my Comfort zone. As we stared talking about the documentary I felt better as they wanted it to be visual and experiment with Animation which I also enjoy but dont have much experience of. From working in a group I have learnt how to Compromise and I feel like working in a group has helped me gain confidence within the course. I liked how if, I was unsure on something that I would alway have someone there telling me their opinions on what I have done.  I feel that my strengths in making this documentary is the editing part, as I really enjoy editing and playing around with effects. I ho...

Production Editing day 5 & weekend

Friday still need to do the audio  sort out the Animation running on my laptop  fill in missing bits  Today we went thought what ance had done which I really like how she add and filmed another cup of tea shot which was my Expose where as the other shot was to dark and even when you did try lighting it up it just looked to grainy. I also like how she Added her beach shot and it was spit sceen which went well with the writing poem part which was also spit screen. also she added so audio in which filled in the awkward silence in the middle of the Documentary. I spent most of the day making sure that the sound was level and that there wasnt any really lound or queit bits. which took some time and I also sorted out the animation which now works. It was just the sofeware updating.                                  plan for the weekend  put the new audio in that Jen has ...

Production editing day 3&4

Wednesday put Animation in see what parts are missing add the quesions in for the interveiw  Today was mostly editing and trying to get the Animations on my laptop as my laptop did not Recognise the file that the animation was on even though I had the software on my laptop. I also tried just dragging it on Premiere pro which it did come up but when I played it this came up. Even though the file was there.                                                                 But I left it for the time being as I still needed to other things.        Thursday  sort out the Animation Audio  Today I was still sturgging with the animation. But I going to sort that out tomrrow and look it up in   Detail. I did some filming on my screen of me typeing up the questions f...

Production Editing week day 1&2

Today was the start of editing week,but I did do 2 very ruf cut over the weekend which was 23 Minute and another one which was about 9 minutes Just to see if what I had done went with the ruf ideas on what the group wanted. I still need some of the footage as ance was still filming some and I also need the animation that Jen had done. so I carried on editing. OrganiseYour footage                           Here I have put everythink in Order and made sure that they where in the right folder as I know this is going to help me find what I need later on whils editing . Also every time I changed the edit I created another Sequence Just incase I need to go back. It was much easyer when I worked with two sceens as I could have all the folder open with the footage in them and then put drag them on to the timeline.  

Production Filming day 5 and the weekend

Friday and weedend sort out the Footage  and film the dog walking community  Friday we all worked Individually on sorting out the footage and animating. I also tried filming the dog walking coummunity but no one was there so I thought about doing it on saturday and carried sieving thought the footage as there was more than I thought. During the weekend I didnt manage to film the dog walkers as there was children and it was raining, so I just filmed my family taking our dog for a walk.