Production Editing day 5 & weekend


  • still need to do the audio 
  • sort out the Animation running on my laptop 
  • fill in missing bits 
Today we went thought what ance had done which I really like how she add and filmed another cup of tea shot which was my Expose where as the other shot was to dark and even when you did try lighting it up it just looked to grainy. I also like how she Added her beach shot and it was spit sceen which went well with the writing poem part which was also spit screen. also she added so audio in which filled in the awkward silence in the middle of the Documentary. I spent most of the day making sure that the sound was level and that there wasnt any really lound or queit bits. which took some time and I also sorted out the animation which now works. It was just the sofeware updating. 


plan for the weekend 
  • put the new audio in that Jen has gave you 
  • match up the audio with the film 
  • add some sounds in like typing and the water pouring into the cup 
  • and re do the projection scene but film the screen and type insted of projecting it 
  • and little touches
  • tittle  
The weekend 

I have sorted out the tittle Common ground and added in some of the audio as i feel that there was spaces still which stoped the flow a bit of the documentry. but with the time I had left I tried adding in the watering pouring into the cup and the typing sounds by using my earphone mic. 


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