
Showing posts from November, 2017

Production filming day 3&4

Wednesday sorting out some of the Footage more interviews  Visual shots  Today I started of by sorting out some of the footage, but then help out ance with filming some visuals while Chole and Jen did some animation stuff. Here is some sceen shots of what we filmed         We then did some more interviews together in the afternoon which felt even more colder then yesterday and we wasnt even out for that long we did 4 interview and then called it a day as we where all cold and it was getting dark. Thursday Digital day  more visual shots  Today we then carried on Animating and sorting out the Footage and then we talked about what shots we should do when it come to the interview. so we filmed more visuals.                                                           ...

Production Filming day 1 & 2

 Today was the start of our documentary we had a finished up all the risk assessment that needed to be sent off and Signed. we then went and got the equipment and then had a meeting on what we are going to do today. we also made some questions on what to say when it comes to interviewing people                                     Monday Cup shots projector shots  map shots smashing the cup shot  most of part 1  we did the cup scene a lot of time as we all felt that we needed the first scene to be good to start it off. it could us a lot of takes to get a good shot. we did gets some good shots but it was a clody day and the image looked too dark but we thought maybe we can sort that out during the edited and if not re film it but we needed to move on to another shot which was the map shot before it gets too dark. we then moved on to the projecter shot which ...

Production research

Research  We all decided to do some research and come together on what we have found.We talked about  Search Results Ai Weiwei and his work with the Sunflower seeds at the turbine hall. we looked into him as we wanted our documentary to have an art element thought it and we felt that what Ai Weiwei done was brought people together and created a community of people who made Sunflower seeds which then became an installation. During our meeting, we talked about communities that had certain views on topics and how it can bring people together but also divide us. which made me think of this beer advert what I watched online. I was called  Heineken Worlds apart. The advert gets to people to meet that have the Opposite views as them and makes them build a friendship then shows them a video of their personal view and then they have the option to talk about the views over a beer or to walk away. There are a lot of adverts like...

Imagining reality, Community Documentary, Pre-Production

We stared this project by staring to talk about what ideas we all had for the documentary. I was unsure a first but i knew i wanted to question the idea of what is a documentry and push the boundaries on what a documenty is. I also wanted to do somethink that was experimental and had a art element to it. I then decided to draw my idea out as a storyboard to make it easyer for me to explain to my group what I was talking about. My ideas was to talk about the student community and how we feel as students. I know that a lot of us have views on student finance and how they esses how much we can have based on how much our parents earn and where we come from. Also why we have to pay over £9000 a year to learn when it used to be £3000. What is the differents from then to now its not like the teaching is different form then to now, tutors havent been trained any differently form then. so I thought about getting students to come together and create this giant ball and write what they feel. a...

Portrait Presentation

                                                      Portraits           I stared this project by writing all my idea and mind mapping them out to, have a clear view of                                    what i wanted to do and how I could achieve these ideas.                                     Idea one          - The idea of when we take a photo of ourselves we prepare to look good or have the need to                   make ourself look attractive and i wanted to do the opposite of that and kind of create a photo        ...

Portrait photo shoot 2

Today I thought about maybe trying to get people to look into the camera but not knowing when I am going to take the photo of them. I found this quite hard as I still wanted to leave the shutter speed open longer to still show the idea of time and movement. So I decided to play music really loud so they couldnt hear the camrea. I did get some interesting shots of people, some people were playing with there hair getting ready for me to take there photo and some drinking their tea.