Portrait Photo shoot

Today I created a little studio space in my Kitchen. I used a projector screen, a disco ball and a tripod. I got people to do 3 Seconds and then move, like I did on the first shoot for this idea. I Decided to use the disco ball to hight some of the movement people was doing and also the idea the light moves with time. 

Here are most of the images...



I feel that is shoot was Successful as I took a few shots that I was happy with. I liked how in some of the photos the light ball creates this wave across the person. Here are some good ones I liked...


               In this photo, I tried to get him to stay still as possible and capture the lights moving. 




 I like how the shutter speed distorted them which makes them look like creatures. maybe next time make the background really dark and focus move on the person moving with the lights. 



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