
Showing posts from March, 2018

Experimental sound

                                                                      Experimental sound The project starting with be being stuck between Francis Bacon Pope and Rachel Whiteread House as I had ideas for both. I was worried that my Idea for the house would be boring and and I did what to get creative and create Atmosphere and a Narrative. I then did a mind map of what I could to for both of them and work for there.                                            I then looked  at  20hz by semiconductor and I liked the cracking sound of the rain and the Distorted Howling. this made me pick the Francis Bacon Pope image as I had more of an idea on what i wanted that to sound like. To ...

Portrait Series Presentation

Portrait Series Presentation Idea One  - Kind of a dystopian feel of questioning what the future is and what will humans be. will we still be classed as a human? what will we look like? how will we live? I could make a portrait of evolution of what we make become as humans.  I really like this idea but I don't know how I would do this. I may use this idea for one of the experimental films tasks. Idea Two  - Take photos of people who have lost their home and have been forced to move out due to changes in the area and demolishing buildings  I could look at the pros and cons of these changes  Talk to the people in the area and take photos of them and there Demolish flat or house and may be using an old photo that they have of their home and using photoshop overlap the images and see what happens. During me being stuck I thought about maybe making a series based on people and their S...

Final portrait

£700,000                                         This series is about how one place can be divided as if you were in two different places, depending on your perspective and how the gentrified version of Woolwich has changed this place. Modern buildings are now being placed where there is strong historical significance, replacing the old with the new.