Final portrait




This series is about how one place can be divided as if you were in two different places, depending on your perspective and how the gentrified version of Woolwich has changed this place. Modern buildings are now being placed where there is strong historical significance, replacing the old with the new.


  1. I love the development process of this idea and the end result I absolutely adore. I love the cut up effect it has but how it also all links together.

  2. I love how the 'boring' colours blend both locations together, it poses the question why are they so different when they're the same

  3. I really like the idea of this division of spaces contained in one location, you have approached the representation of this really effectively and the series is visually engaging

  4. Visually I think that your images are strong, theres a lot going on in the frame which is interesting to read into, the overlayed effect could have allowed more to be shown with the faded part of the image even just slightly showing us more would have been more effective.

  5. I think that your exploration is really interesting. I felt like there was a lot you could get into and it was obvious you did. I like the overlaying of your final image. You could have combined similar looking areas and put them next to each other so it was almost the same place but they juxtaposed


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