Experimental sound
Experimental sound
The project starting with be being stuck between Francis Bacon Pope and Rachel Whiteread House as I had ideas for both. I was worried that my Idea for the house would be boring and and I did what to get creative and create Atmosphere and a Narrative. I then did a mind map of what I could to for both of them and work for there.
I then looked at 20hz by semiconductor and I liked the cracking sound of the rain and the Distorted Howling. this made me pick the Francis Bacon Pope image as I had more of an idea on what i wanted that to sound like.
To record my sounds I used a Roland recorder. here is a list of sounds that I need for this piece.
- church
- shaking ( shaking a chair and a bed )
- Scratching carpet, wood, a coin on the desk
- screaming
- whispering
- room noise
- keys shaking
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