Experimental film Presentation


                                                       Experimental film



Idea 1 
To make a film based on the Perfect world eutopia. make a new city and what will humans be like in 100 years time will we still be Classified as human. 

Idea 2
- How technology shapes us and how much power or control people have over us using technology 
Eg - Hacking - CCTV - Bugging 

Idea 3
- More of an Experiment. I want to Play Around with Arduino and more codeing work,
Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company which allows you to  build digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world.

Make a LED cube and make Abstract shapes in the cube by using codeing and create an Animation in to the cube

- How technology shapes us and how much power or control people have over us using technology Eg - Hacking - CCTV - Bugging  and how Technology waste sometime.

                                                     Ideas on what to film
 - Have someone sitting on their phones  wasting time pop up of what they are doing 
- film someone getting hacked 

                                              NHS Cyber Attack

I looked at what happened last may with the NHS. The WannaCry cyber-attack had potentially serious implications for the NHS and its ability to provide care to patients,” said Amyas Morse, the head of the NAO.“It was a relatively unsophisticated attack and could have been prevented by the NHS following basic IT security best practice. There are more sophisticated cyber-threats out there than WannaCry so the Department and the NHS need to get their act together to ensure the NHS is better protected against future attacks. It is often delivered via emails which trick the recipient into opening attachments and releasing malware onto their system in a technique known as phishing.Once your computer has been affected, it locks up the files and encrypts them in a way that you cannot access them anymore. It then demands payment in bitcoin in order to regain access. Security experts warn there is no guarantee that access will be granted after payment. Some ransomware that encrypts files ups the stakes after a few days, demanding more money and threatening to delete files altogether.

and how we rely on Technology as it has most of out lives on there. and once thats gone its gone theres not Physical thing.

                                            Joan Jonas ‘Vertical Roll


I looked at Joan Jonas as Vertical Roll, a black-and-white video centered upon a technological glitch common to television which i thought would go well with the Technology glitching. https://youtu.be/jpstpzBDJ7s

                                           Adam Curtis


HyperNormalisation instead consisting almost entirely of existing footage that is repurposed exquisitely. While there is plenty of news footage of gruesome blasts, there are also static shots of wind balloon men flapping in the wind outside car dealerships, the eerie descent of empty elevators and a hilarious montage of all the “my God…” moments in disaster movies. Executions at the tail end of the Soviet Union are interspersed with a Jane Fonda fitness video. The first instance of a suicide bomb is paired with the image of fairground ride slowly rotating. It’s completely refreshing; at one point, Curtis demonstrates a point using the cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky, and he doesn’t strain to explain to the viewer who he is.


As I was on my laptop I saw the most weirds pop up 




                 Someone is on their laptop and they go on a website and they Click on A pop-up

                                                                   They get a hacked 



 frozen iPhone the idea that its there but you can Accessing

the Journey of them getting in your Digital space

them Accessing and destroying 

                                                   the idea that your now being watched 

                                                             the pops and its Spreading

                                         the ice Melting Leaving the remains of The iPhone

  Shots I didn't use ...





During this project, I feel like I did Explore and experiment. using different materials and filming them. I also Explored more in coding.Throughout  this project, there were many Difficulties (eg, 
 the software (processing) which I do codeing crashed a few times and exporting it.
 I also had problems exporting the exporting the film). If i had more time I would have made a sound that when with the film Instead of just slapping Audio.


  1. This was so intriguing, the repetition of images and the glitching was so nice and really reflected the subject matter. The development of the 'story' was shown really vividly through the editing and glitching.

  2. woah! that was really trippy. i loved that. the visuals were complex, colourful and pixel-y so it definitely conveyed a sort of meltdown/attack of the technologies. the approach you took to portray a digital space was visually pleasing and entrancing. it's impressive you're teaching yourself coding and other new visual developments because it really shows that it's something you're passionate about and want to learn. you're too hard on yourself - it really is an interesting and challenging piece. i can see you creating something more from this idea or pushing this film further at another time. ❤


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