Summer project


                                      Aware Themes


Here are some themes that I was interested in. over the summer I was Influence by a Documentary series called Dark Tourist, which is about David Travelling to unusual and Dangerous places in the world, for example he went to Tomioka, which was evacuated during the Fukushima nuclear disaster, wherein he discovers higher than expected levels of radiation and to Cyprus, where he tries to sneak in to Famagusta, a walled off ghost city. watching this made me think about what radiation does to the Environment and does it effect the whole world?

Air pollution

Then I started to look at pollution and how we are effected like air pollution effects Asthmatic people and  may also trigger asthma as small particles in the air can pass through your nose or mouth and get into your lungs. ... The particles can make asthma worse. Both long-term and short-term exposure can cause health problems such as reduced lung function and more asthmattacks. city are mostly effect and as the city is getting bigger they are knocking trees and taking the land to build new buildings as it is good for the Economy not for the environment. 

Antarctic ice melting

Then I looked at other way pollution has hit us so i looked up on how the Ice in the Antarctic is melting at a record-breaking rate and the subsequent sea rises could have catastrophic consequences for cities around the world and how it effects us and the Animals that live in the Antarctic. 

Ideas for art installation piece 


Idea 1

Clean breathing 

Here is my first idea which is this room which is filled with smoke and loud sounds of cars and city life. In the Centre of this room there will be a huge tree that will have oxygen masks Connected to the tree and hooks to put the masks on. I really want people to Interact with this space and around the tree.

Idea 2

Toxic rain

Here is my 2nd idea which is a block of ice and colourful rain drops falling on the ice. the colours rain will be the colours that show up in the thermal images of Antarctica

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