Studio shoot Evaluation

For the production shoot my role was the grip originally but then I also became the camera assistant too so I had two roles to play. I started off looking at both of my roles. Camera assistant work closely with camera operator and the director of photography. My job as a Camera assistant I would need to measure the distance between the lens and the subject, and to maintain proper focal distance during camera movements also set up the equipment for the camera crew. My job as the grip I would need to mount the camera on the dolly and move it for the tracking shots. I was happy with my roles as I either wanted to work in the art department or the camera.

Pre production

We had a meeting with the whole group to decide on what image to use and discussed some ideas but we voted for donnas idea which was then developed and changed as time went on. We also had a meeting on who wanted to be apart of the script team and storyboard team. After the script was finalised . I wanted to help out with picking the actors which Chloe and Brodie said yes too. So I went to the auditions. The first day of auditions was good It was very scary as I am shy and me and Brodie have never held auditions before so this was the first. Jeeves took photos of the actors and also recorded them to show Chloe and Harley as they were both ill and couldn’t attend. The person that stood out from the auditions was Shania. We then had another audition which was good but we wanted to do a come back round audition so we can pair them up and see what the relationship is like and which pairs would works best. Chloe as the director chose Shania and Xander which I thought was a good Choice as they both played the characters really well. Unfortunately Xander wasn’t available for one of the days and it was the same for Shania but on the other day. so Chloe managed to work it out by still getting Shania to play the girlfriend and that we would do all the shots with her in on the day she was in and then on the other day just do the boyfriend parts of the film. We still need a male actor which Chloe ask a friend to play that part.

Building the set

I was looking forward to this as this was one of the things I was interested in doing. We started off by removing the set that was originally there and then we started to build our set. Once we have the walls placed and secured we then started to sand down the walls and make sure it was Smooth. Chris started to wall paper the walls and I went over and he showed me how to do it, as I have never done it before. Emily T helped a lot and Jen helped us with the Direction and then helped putting it up too. Once the wall paper was dry we then painted it and then did more layers of paint. When it came to the door for the set we thought that we should sand down the door as we was going to spray paint it brown. As we was sanding it down we realised it make a really cool rustic effect. Ance told Jen and suggested to see what it looks like within the set. We then agreed that the door was to pale and that we should just paint it the dark brown. When building the set there was a lot of backwards and forwards to home base as we ran out of wall paper and other little bits. Once we had everything we could finish of the set and then sort out the furniture. When sorting out the furniture we all didn’t like the floor as we was just using the Studio floor. We tried covering in with rugs which didn’t work then different types of carpet which didn’t work either. But in the end we used wooden flooring which we didn’t have enough of so we cover the rest with a rug and other pieces of furniture. The set looked good and we was ready to shoot.

Filming time

I started by organising the camera equipment and making sure everything was there and laying it out on the Camera table. I then started to set up the camera and get it ready, Cecily was also helping me set up the camera. Once it was all set up we then told the sound team Kylan and Mindi so we could Link the sound together with the camera. Once that was all set up it was time to film. During film Cecily did an amazing job being camera operator considering how heavy the FS7 is. I made sure when we stoped filming that I would take the camera off of her and put it back on the tripod to give her a break from holding it. Dolly shot, we only used the dolly for a few shots but it was a great experience to use it. I started by mounting the camera to the dolly which difficult as we couldn’t find the right plate to mount the Camera to the dolly but with Anna’s help we got there in the end. As I was also the Grip I needed to work with Cecily to get the movements right. We ended up putting wooden floor boards under the dolly to make it more smooth and levelled. 


I really did enjoy myself when It came to the Studio shoot As I feel that I have walked away knowing How to use the FS7 cameras, how to do an audition ,how to build a set and wall papering and also how to use the dolly. Chloe and Harley were great at giving out directions and Cecily was amazing to work with. I feel that everyone did contribute some more then other but I think we did a good job.


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