fields & frames
Fields & Frames
I didn't really know what to do for fields and frames. I knew that I wanted to explore a range of new things with analogue and also Digital moving image but when it came to context i had no idea . when i thought of fields and frames I thought about time and spaces and how we move within space but also time as when it came to analogue film i was Interested in the Process of film but also the idea that we measure time lengths.
With Peter Ren workshops 1
for this lesson we Experimented with cyanotype which create this lovely blue and white prints
This made me think about Negative space and a space around an Object so i look at
Rachel Whiteread
As her work Explores Negative spaces and also Objects And memories. This idea that you can now Seeing and touch Negative space as she Has created sculpture of it .
This made me think about Everyday objects. so i started to collect my everyday objects and things that i use and Scans them
this made me think about abstraction and suprematism so I through about Painting the shapes of these objects and see if I could Developed an idea thought doing this
and I didn't know what to do next?
then we did drawing on film we i enjoyed as i said before i am Interested in working with film. I did use the shapes from my paintings idea .
This made me think about again the idea of Measuring time lengths. i like how Tangible it was to draw, cut and paste on the film. so i looked at Stan and i liked how he added A variety of colours and how it was Distorted.
Peter ren workshop
in this workshop we learn how to use film Cameras and how we can develop
and then i went back and played around with Double exposures and the ideas of showing two types of space with in an image
I really like the Process of Taking these images and Developing and it made me think about Childhood and Memories . so i thought of an idea of using old Negatives from my Childhood and
and Distorting the images if i dont Remember but then not distorting if i do. But Unfortunately my mum Said she doesn't keep the negatives and that the photos are all in the back of the loft. but she said she has Digital copies of the photos she liked.but i didn't really want to work with that.
It also made me think about how Parents now Capture moments on there phone and that there children Will no look at photos Physically but Digitally.
I was a bit stuck on what to do next so i do what i always do when i am stuck and thats to take photos and mess around .
Here i have taken an image of a space that i see everyday and i though what happens if i keep taking pictures of this image how will it effect the way we view this space and it ended up distorting the colours and even cropping parts of the image
But I still was stuck on what to do soo i went back on working with Analogue Cameras and took these black and white Photos
so I thought that making a film using a Digital Camera and see if this Effects the way we view a space.but also adding a way that makes you feel that time and space is moving. this reminded me off old Sci-fi films where they are Travelling to two Different Reality.
As i was doing VFX i Realised that Motion graphics is something that i am Interested in doing and i really just wanted to Incorporate with in this work as it is something i enjoy. and i then stated to think about Space within screen and how we view a object if its not Physical but within a space. so i used After effects and played around with 3d effects which i have never done before.
this was a tester on how to make a 3d shape and add light which i really liked as light has an effect on a space and on the object. I like how the cube is never fully Revealed as it is obscured with shadows
I made another one and added more shapes and sound as sound also effects on the space we are in.
and yess i used GarageBand and i was trying to make sounds that went with the video but i wasnt really feeling it also i like how in the other cube video was Simple.
Olafur Eliasson
The last Piece of work
Here I was playing around with space and manipulating time by playing it in Reverse, forward and looping it . Basically looking at how this can alter a space and the object.
How I did it
This piece for me was questioning spaces using Different Technological Methods and Mediums
to alter space and how it effects objects within a space
how I would like to take this further and Experiment more with Physical space and how our bodies Interact with Objects within a space.
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