Portrait Research Sally Mann
Sally Mann
Immediate Family Series
The photographer I chose to research is Sally Mann, I find her work Beautiful and show the Natural ways of life and death and, the world surrounding her. The series of photos that I really like of hers was immediate family which created a lot of controversy as she took a lot of photos of her children naked which people thought were pornographic. Most of her photos are black and white films
The First image that Caught my attention was a photo of her daughter holding a cigarette (which is fake but it's not clear enough to know that it's fake). In the photo, the girl who is so young and Innocent but holding something that is Disturbing for a child to hold and the Fact she is holding it in such a mature way shows us how children mock and imitates Adults.
The First image that Caught my attention was a photo of her daughter holding a cigarette (which is fake but it's not clear enough to know that it's fake). In the photo, the girl who is so young and Innocent but holding something that is Disturbing for a child to hold and the Fact she is holding it in such a mature way shows us how children mock and imitates Adults.
The Second Image that Caught my attention Was this one.
It is another photograph of her daughter in water with Her hair spread across the surface making her look like Medusa.
she looks so Peaceful but yet Hunting at the same time.
Damaged Child
This Photograph also Interested me as its Another photograph of her daughter which was Another reality-based image which shows Her daughter With one very swollen eye and Cropped short hair with an androgynous face and the only sign of Her sex is conventional Female clothes which are blurred in the image as her swollen eyes and her face is the Centrepoint and the only thing that is focused in this Photograph. This image can make the viewer unsettle and makes you think of Child abuse.
Here is another photo that was also apart of her immediate family series. Here is a photo of her children playing. I really like this one as it shows how we let children play and act out Adult characters and Situations for example Mums and Dads, looking after a baby and Smoking. This made me think about Children's toys and why do we buy kids baby dolls when they are babies themselves.
In this image, it shows two of her children with one of them having a nosebleed. I feel that here she is showing the life of a child as children play and mess around and hurt themselves. I can also see the way some viewer may find this Disturbing and why would you want to take a photo of your child bleeding as Normally when you see blood it makes people think of pain and Injury. but really she is showing that this is life and that it is Normal for kids to Injure or hurt themselves.
Alligator of course
Here is another Photograph from series and it is of Her daughter Pretending to sleep by The river. This image makes people feel on edge as in the river there is a toy Alligator in the water that look real. This would be any Parents nightmare but sally took a photo of it . i feel that Sally push the boundaries of a lot to Taboo and kind of wants people to talk and question her work.
Here are my notes ....
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